John Jay College MPA Student Summer Intern Profile: Mayuri Saxena
Mayuri at the United Nations!
Mayuri Saxena is a currently pursuing her Masters of Public
Administration in Oversight and Inspection and is specializing in
Investigations. Mayuri holds a BA and MA in International Affairs and decided
to go into investigations because of her passion in fighting corruption in the
public sector.
Recently, Mayuri completed a coveted internship in the United
Nations Management Reform office at the US Mission to the United Nations (USUN)
in New York addressing wasteful spending in UN Peacekeeping Missions through
analysis of proposed budgets. While working at USUN, she had the opportunity to
not only work on budgetary issues in office, but also attend budget
negotiations during the Fifth Committee at UN Headquarters. Since completing
her internship, Mayuri was accepted as an Investigative intern at the NYC
Department of Investigations. Her future aspirations include either working as
a public sector investigator or becoming a Foreign Service Officer.
Mayuri will also be serving as the President of the MPA Student Association from this Fall, Congratulations Mayuri on being elected and we look forward to working with you!